Tweakui windows 7
Tweakui windows 7

tweakui windows 7 tweakui windows 7

I have a license for 5 PCs and thought I used them up. I didn't realize Directory Opus could be installed on a dual boot system using the same license, so I installed Powerdesk Pro on the Vista dual boot. I was able to hide the XP drive in Windows 7 and Vista, and hide Windows 7 and Vista Drives D and E, but was unable to hide C Drives XP. You'll need to re-assign drive letters back if you want to view them again. They're both done basically in the same way. Link: Stardock.I'm not sure if there is a way to do it in Dopus but there is a way to do it in Windows and that is to remove the Drive letter Windows assigns it. User Access Control Configuration - Select a UAC profile from predefined settingsīenchmark Assessment - View results for your PC

tweakui windows 7

Performance Recommendations - With one click hyperlink to featuresĭisplay Driver Update Reminders - With links to vendor download locations on the webĬost of Use and Carbon Footprint Analysis - How "Green" is your computer? Service Profiles - Easy to use, tailored, one click profiles Process Identification - Identify unrecognized software Start-Up Management - Disable unnecessary software increasing performance This application is not just for advanced users but for everyone and for that matter even for people with non technical skills as it offers a plain, simple and easy English language so that everyone can comprehend it easily and quickly. As its name suggests it tweaks the Windows 7 system making it easy for the users to adjust and understand the complex programs and modify them. Tweak7 is an important and useful utility for all Windows 7 users.

Tweakui windows 7